Saturday, May 8


It's Tball season here and Jake is having a good time with it. It is fun to see such little kids trying to play baseball! The point is to just have fun: 2 practices and 4 games only; no scores are kept; games are 3 innings long; all team members get to bat in each inning. I've been helping him practice hitting, fielding, and catching at a field near our home. It's a lot of fun and he is doing well for not ever having played before.

What is so funny is that he is totally bored and distracted by the clouds, dirt, grass, mosquitos, dandelions - anything... so i'm frequently yellin', "Stand up Jake and watch for the ball!" with no effect. It is complete de ja vu because I was exactly the same way when I was in Tball.


He was so excited when the coach started handing out the team jerseys...

On top of the world after his first big hit and run to 1st base.. .

"future so bright, i gotta wear shades...."

Jake's fan club...

(Not related to the game, but these are fun pictures too)


Bruce and Becky said...

Way to go Jake! You look good playing ball like the old boys! Kathryn...your boys are so good looking! Can't believe how big Seth is getting- what a fun baby.

Can I please have Cameron?

When is Scott getting back from Vienna? Did you have a lousy mother's day with him gone?

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

Scott, great photos, and man is that baby growing! We can't believe he is that big now. Jake, keep your eye on the ball, not on the slugs in the ground. We love all of you - way cute boys.

murdoch family said...

Oh my Gosh Scott-Those little boys are so darling. What a rich man you are to have them. we agree t-ball is so fun. You are a super dad. Keep it up and hug them for us. We miss you.

Kemble Family said...

Go Jake! He looks like a true T-Ball player. Seth is so cute on the last picture, as well as Sam and Cameron. Can I hold Seth? Jamie

Fun days!!! I love it! Thanks for posting, guys.


Kathy said...

It is so hilarious to see the little boys on Jake's t-ball team. We love going to the games.

Seth is growing so fast. He was 6lb 6oz when he was born and last week he was 10-5. It must be whole percent instead of just 2%.