So we are still experiencing "firsts" here at our home. The pictures tell it all!
They had a great time with a great group of kids and got home at a great time too--just as I was telling David I could not stay awake any longer to wait up for her! (We watched a Ping Pong tournament between two chinese girls to keep ourselves awake. They were incredible. )
Jenny's date had a scarry accident with a bungi cord that hit him in the eye two days before Prom. (This was the only thing he was allowed to go to in a whole week and had to wear special glasses all week to protect the damaged eye from going blind. That is why he is wearing the glasses--bummer.)
We bought Amber's prom dress off KSL classifieds and I hemmed it 5 inches shorter and she was wearing 5 inch heels! They were fun to and they even fit me!!!!!
Amber, you look beautiful! I LOVE that first picture of you, you look totally princess-esque. Did you do your own hair? It looks better than my wedding day (although that's not hard to do...)
Great job on the hem too Barbara! I think it's hard to hem that kind of fabric & keep it from puckering but it looks awesome. I bet Amber didn't ask you to hem it 1/2 inch shorter after you already hemmed it once like Jared made me...
Aren't you so lucky to go to a prom where you aren't the modest anomaly amidst the scantily clad.
Barbara, I'm sure we can all round up some movies for you to watch in the future so you don't have to resort to ping pong!
Hey Amber, way cute photos. You look "Dashingly gorgeous!" I even like the black and white photo. Do you know this kid is cute? Keep that fellow around for a few years and after his mission - - -
Barbara, great job on the dress and how you found it too. Love you all, Mom
Well, Beckyabout the hair...my neighbor is a beautician and I asked her to show me a few tips. So she did. It took us 45 minutes to do her hair. I thought it looked so cute. It was stressful because I only had one chance and one block of time. I had
David handing me bobby pins!! There is another photo of them that a lady in our ward took and made it black and white and put their names on it and it looked so much like a wedding announcement I couldn't put it on the blog!
And yes, maybe next time I will think to ask for a good movie.
--Mom said the gun glass went well. Sorry we couldn't make it.
Amber! You look exceptionally stunning!! I think you are so photogenic! I love the 1st two pictures!!! Hope you had fun at prom!! And Barbara, Congrats on hemming the dress- you are a pro just like mom!
I agree with Ann up there (Jana that is Becky's middle name), you need to rent some movies from us next time! Of course if ping pong did not put you to sleep than keep on it!
Thanks for clarifying, Karina Lynette! Amber, you are a queen! So fun, huh? Did you wear your dress to church the next day? I've got to go back and take a second look; those pics were beautiful. XOXOXO Jana
I'm jealous!! :) Can I borrow that dress for my first prom in two years? Just kidding! But I'll fight Alissa for it. :) You look so pretty and that makes me excited for my first dance NEXT MONTH!!
Thanks guys. It's funny to randomly be going through the blog and find yourself on it :)
Nah Aunt Jana, I didn't wear my dress to church. Jenny and I decided not to for various reasons.
And Jamie, you're more than welcome to borrow it if you'd like. It's an awesome dress. My only condition is that you and your family come and visit us :) I hope your dance went well!! And congrats to Jayson for graduating this Friday! I wanted to come actually, but I'll be at girls camp and then at work :(
ps. Word of advice: Do NOT wear 5 1/4" heels with a dress that has 6 layers of long fabric!
It doesn't work.
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