This blog is for all you mom's out there who have not yet ventured into the world of canine friends!
Let the boys have a dog--They are missing out on some very good times. They always have someone to play with when you have a dog. There is minimal messes to clean up and there is always someone to love them back and keep them busy. Now go get you little guys a dog.
Yum! Max would love to have what John is having! Graham crackers dipped in milk! Somehow Max does get some!

The coolest place to take a rest- on the kitchen rug in front of the vent! "I'll lay by you Max so you won't be all alone!" And they talk to each other and even understand one another.

Time for church. "Good-bye Max. " It is so hard to part for those three hours!

No more "scared of the dark" excuses. They love a live stuffed animal lying next to them.
Max finds a nice warm quiet spot to settle down for the night. Dad, this is exactly what you would want too huh? Loveable, snuggly and so cute!

Our Anniversary get away-we went through the St. George temple and picked up Mom and Dad in Vegas-That was an experience-right mom and dad! The garbage can took our photo. Thanks garbage can!

Our most recent 4th of July hike. It was amazing scenery and a difficult hike. It took us 4 hours. We love all of you and hope you had a nice 4th of july. Somebody needs to post their awesome fireworks photos. -------Barbara
Great photos of Max and John. You are to be congratulated for posting - I think it's been at least 6 months since someone did this, and we can't because of the broken camera. Love ya, Mom
Love this post, Barbara! My kids loved seeing John. "He plays Mario Cart". That's what they said.
Oh, how my boys would LOVE a dog. And I love that photo of the two of them asleep. I'm just not ready to take care of one. Some day.
Cute post!
I love it Barbs! I miss those mountains too. Love the photo of John sleeping with the dog!
It's probably a good thing you have a smaller dog that the kids can enoy indoors and actually sleep with! Our huge bear of a lab belongs outside where her scent can stay with all the hair she sheds!! Eli brings her in now and then and enjoys cuddling with her on the door mat where she is allowed. The only sleeping they can do with her is on the trampoline, if they don't mind the mosquitos at night! Wow, can't believe we've had this dog for 12 years.
Very fun post, Barbara!
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