Thursday, July 9

For some must push and some must pull!!!

Trek was amazing for us. I couldn't believe that our pioneers did this day after day and with out all the niceties that we had. Here are a few clips of our journey. I hope David and Jana had good experiences as well. Now I am preparing for girls camp next week and scout camp as well. That means packing for David, Me, Amber, Alissa, and Spencer and getting things ready for Amanda, Melanie and John to go to ReNae's in Pine Valley. Thanks so much ReNae. I am happy to return the favor anytime.
This is David and Alissa in the meadow before our dancing began on the first night. We had to dance in dresses in this tall grass. Not too easy.


Kemble Family said...

Wow! What a GORGEOUS place for a Trek!!! Ours was in the hot desert sun in Eastern Oregon. There was cactus, sagebrush, cheatgrass and a ton of sand, dust, dust, and dust. And 95 degrees too every day, until the last day when we actually made it to Zion and enjoyed some shade and GRASS! Sorry no pictures, we weren't allowed to bring stuff like that. But our leaders took some, so maybe we'll get a few. But I promise I have never been so dirty in all my life and still enjoyed it. Good job, Murdochs! We'll have to swap stories!

Bittings said...

Love the Dress Alissa! Looks good on you! you guys were way more pampered than I was when I went on my trek! But all in all good experience!