Thursday, July 9

Trek--The Murdoch Clan!!

Here we are all loaded up now with our new family. We were in the first handcart company to leave. Do we look ready to go? The girls in my group including me-did not wear makeup! We were smart because 30 minutes into Trek there wasn't any left on anyones faces.

This was our first hill and we did awesome. See our 6'4" boy. Man he was so handy to have. We used his tallness all the time.
DJ and Ma at the front of the cart. These things were not like your little red wagons! And walking in a dress was a bit tricky. See how fast our group is-no one is behind or in front.

Day number 2! It is threatening to pour on us after a night of solid rain! We were a bit wet but sure we could do this. See the next hill up ahead? That is where we were heading.

If you click on this photo you can see the hill up ahead. This was minor compared to the ones after this. We were a bit worried.

Pa and Kyle are pulling the load while some of us push and the rest pull! The scenery was amazing. And the overcast sky refreshing--but we were still soaked from sweating.
We made it to the next campsite after the Mormon Batallion came and took 2 of our boys. That was hard but our girls did well. We have so much to be thankful for. We owe everything to our ancestors who came across the countries and oceans. They should be the heroes of history! If you get the chance go on trek. You will see things a bit differently. Love you all and I am so glad I survived this experience. I kept telling David he was lucky to have a wife willing to look and smell the way I did. I know a few who would never do this.


Unknown said...

Wow - how good of you guys to participate in the trek. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful location! I suppose you would have made good pioneers. I bet your youth had a great time. Barbara and David, i love your outfits. So awesome! Thanks for the fun post.

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

YOu are the best - yes, you would have made great pioneers, thanks for the photos, your willingness to do this trek, and for loving our ancestors. In reality, they were awesome.