Monday, July 13


Amanda went swimming with a friend and well, this was the result. She has been miserable for a week!


Kathy said...

Oooooo....that looks like it hurts...a lot. Are you bathing in aloe vera now, Amanda? I have to douse all the kids and myself in sunscreen before we go out in the sun. It's hard to get my back but we use those aerosol cans of spray sunscreen and I can reach my back with that. Hope it heals asap.

Rick and Mick said...

Hmmm... that looks familiar... oh that's right I married a redhead who also thinks he's safe to stay out in the sun all day without sunscreen. :) hehe Hope it heals soon, it looks painful!

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

OUCH OUCH OUCH PEEL PEEL, Guess you won't make that mistake twice?
So sorry that has to hurt.

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...
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Bruce and Becky said...

ReNae did that one time when we went down the gila river... (She couldn't even go "potty" without help).

Come over and I'll make you a smoothie or a milkshake & you'll forget everything that was bad in your life!!!

Kemble Family said...

The same thing happened to Justin. He was at a friend's house and played in the sprinklers and his back was red! I mean, really red! It freaked me out when I saw all the dead skin during peeling time!
So sorry Amanda! Hope you feel better!
