So last night this little guy let me sleep a grand total of ......2 hours.
2 HOURS! That's awful! And I would have thought the same thing a week ago, but when you get this little snuggly thing who just wants to look around and eat, and play "how many cute faces can I make for you at 3 a.m." or "watch my eyes roll backwards while I doze for 2 seconds", I can not resist.
And, big surprise, look who is unable to wake up today? Hello! Anyone in there? Wakey-wakey.
And of course it would be the day my milk FLOODS in.
(But oh the satisfaction of pumping... 6 ounces= biggest relief ever)
Okay. You are probably sick of my gushing. So here's the other part of my day. Um, we'll call this part "pain" so you'll appreciate the pleasure aforementioned.
Chains and stitches and holes and -- 2 thousand bucks for this??
(Dad, we all know what your reply will be)
Yes, Caleb got 5 teeth ripped out yesterday- he had two extra teeth way up in his gums that needed removal, a fused tooth, a bunch of work BEFORE braces...arg...
Now, lest I leave you without something to smile about, let me tell you about this gem.
Eric and Caleb went to the dollar store to get PRESENTS for me for having Isaac. And they came to the hospital with these treasures. Eric didn't have time to wrap his, but a gift must be wrapped so he put it in a dish towel and handed to me in the hospital. I had to get a picture just before we went home to remember this innocent gesture... Bubilicious gum (sour apple flavor- I almost gagged at the thought of it at the time) and a Luau beverage cover. See, now it was totally worth it to have a baby just for these presents-
(Dad, we all know what your reply will be)
Yes, Caleb got 5 teeth ripped out yesterday- he had two extra teeth way up in his gums that needed removal, a fused tooth, a bunch of work BEFORE braces...arg...
Now, lest I leave you without something to smile about, let me tell you about this gem.
HEY!!!!!!! Congratulations and I want to play with him too. He is so cute and I love all the pictures and wow, how exciting - however, I can't talk or write much now, we are knee deep in reception what nots and all very busy!!!!!! Talk to you later little sis! Man, that is one cute kid! Ralphy!!!!!!! I love it.
The most fun pictures ever, except for Caleb and his mouth. Tell him we are sorry for all he has to go through. Isaac is so so cute, makes you really miss being there when you[re the grandma- I'll come to the nextg one!!!:) :) :) Mom
Love the photos - thanks for sharing them Rebecca Ann! Wish i could be there to hug him. Someone referred to him in an earlier comment as "ralphy", and when I hear that I always think of the movie Christmas Story. So glad the delivery went ok and all is safe & sound. You were kidding about bruce having to deliver, though, right?
Scott, are you home? (or are you commenting from afar?)
Becky I love those presents - the beverage cover especially. Will Eric get me one? Shucks, one time I got a bunch of homemade stars/bells with photos in them and glue and glitter from the kids in Primary. I still love them. So, I think you should hang that beverage cover on the tree and just give the gum to the kids - especially to Nathan.
What an adorable baby.. and better you than me! You handle exhaustion much better than I do. And you're smiling and looking fabulous in pictures?! How do you do it?
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