Wednesday, June 24

Isaac Ralph Larsen

Here he is, folks... I'll be making this short since I am exhausted. Another all night labor and delivery. I loved how they handed me this cute little guy and I said hello to him and he turned his head to look up at me.

Here we are before heading to the hospital, after breaking the news to Caleb that yes, on his birthday, I'll be birthing the new brother. Yes, it was hard to keep my face non-chalant, as if I do this kind of thing everyday and not to worry my sons, we'll have fun when I get home. Caleb had big tears and I asked him if he was disappointed that I was going on his birthday, and he told me, "no, I'm really happy."

This is really the best part of the whole day. Holding your newborn while they are calm and dozing in and out, before the day becomes chaotic again. You should've heard his little newborn squawks and moans- he had plenty to say about the whole ordeal.

Since Jared wasn't invited to the birth (and he really really wanted to be) and I found this picture on the camera (as well as many other "lovely" photos) I'll put this in to reassure him that he didn't miss anything. This definitely was not the best part of the day. Seeing this kind of makes you go, "Oh yeah, I know that feeling..." and you quickly put that memory to rest. Bruce did a great job filling in for the OB who didn't make it in time for the delivery. He had to deliver Isaac without universal precautions- gown, gloves, etc. while everyone else was fumbling around with their gloves, etc.

Seeing all five kids together and then thinking about laundry, dinner, vacuuming, etc. seems really crazy right now. A couple of nurses commented about "all the ruckus" but it seemed so normal to me. I can handle noise, but I can't handle naughty kids. And luckily they were being good. I asked Tots if we should bring the baby home with us tomorrow and he said, "no, just leave it here." I knew he would say something like that, should've had the video camera on!


Janalee said...

well let me be the first to give you my well wishes and congrats. I love that calm time right afterwords too. I'm glad it's finally over for you. "or has it just begun?"

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

Becky, you are wonderful - awesome, and I am totally blown away by you posting on the blog so soon. But, you can be assured that Dad will be so happy to see that name!!!!! You´re in the will for sure. Isaac looks so totally Larsen, cute, adorable, squeezable, and I wish we were there to enjoy all the ruckus as you say. What a joy to have him here and healthy. This is the greatest blessing a family can have. Tell Isaac we´ll see him in Dec about Christmas time.

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

WhaaaaaaaHo! I. Ralph Larsen, Isaac R. Larsen, I.R.Larsen, Isaac Ralph Larsen. How many ways can you say it and it only took 28 to get in the will!!Oh, well, Becky gets everything. Isn't it amazing how fast those pictures can fly. Isaac RALPH Larsen is all over Brazil now. Just think Becky, only 4 more to go! Can't wait to give the newest a grandpa hug. Do you think he will like snakes? I'll bring him a brazilian snake catcher.

Kemble Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO happy for you! Mostly, I'm so glad the pushing is over after seeing that pic of you. Brings back a lot of memories! What a cute little guy! I was hoping you'd pick Ralph for his middle name. Good job, guys! Can't wait to see more pictures. Get all five kids together on here, K? Kara, you look so happy : )

Love you all,

Brenda said...

Congratulations Becky and family! What a cute little is still hard for me to think of you "kids" being parents!!! LOVE the name!

murdoch family said...

Well, you can leave the baby HERE!! John told me that when school starts I will have to get some more babies!! So, I'll be happy to collect yours. He is so darling and you are a very blessed mother to have been privileged to have 4 boys. You must be very capable of raising cute little missionaries. Awesome, to have a new nephew. And I love the name.

Bittings said...

Becky.. I didn't even know you were having your baby yet until mom called me to tell me the news! I still thought you had a couple months left to go. But Congratulations!! I'm so excited to have a new nephew! And thanks for stealing our middle name... we were going for the first to be in the will but I guess we'll now have to use Reva for our girl.

murdoch family said...

well shucks Grandpa, didn't you know my name is really Amber Lynette Ralph Murdoch? =)

ps Aunt Becky, I call first dibs to hold that kid!