Wednesday, June 10

No more birthdays 'till October!

Yeah! No more birthdays until October! Hopefully Amber will want a simple cake.
How is everyone doing out there? Are you enjoying the swimming pools? It has been too cold for us to really want to go. Maybe we can try tomorrow if the sun comes out.
Anyway, this is the Dragon cake! It turned out so cute. John loved it and wasn't sure which parts he wanted to give away. But he compromised and ate the head and let everyone else take the rest. We love you all.
Love, Barbara and family


Kathy said...

So cute! You are very talented, Barbara!! My favorite part are those orange toes!

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

Melanie, that is such a beautiful cake. Max is saying, "Can I have a lick, huh, can I have just a weeeeeeeee lickkkkk? And you are certainly keeping hin away. What part did you eat? Next year, we get to have some of your birthday cake.

John, you look like you could slay that dragon. I like the chocolate squares or cookies that your mom put alond his tail and back to the head. Those eyes are scary. How did you blow out the candles? You two grandchildren sure have a neat mom. Well, it is now 4:33 a.m. (at your home) and Grandma and I have already read our scriptures together and the sun is coming up. How can that be? Have a real fun Saturday.

Kemble Family said...

This is a test! Hang on....

Kemble Family said...

Yeah! It worked! Brooke is so smart and I am so dumb when it comes to computers!! Ok, now I can leave a comment once again. Hope you all had a great Sunday. I already commented about this post via email so no need to repeat myself.

Primary was chaotic today! Nobody could sit still even for a teency weency moment. However, Eli reminds me that he was good. Yes, he was. I'm sure it was all about school being out and kids excited for summer. I nearly sent them all out to run around the tree 10 times. I probably wouldn't have gotten them back, though. Instead, one of our counselors engaged them in the 'ol "head, shoulders, knees and toes" routine, which worked about, oh, maybe, 20 seconds afterwards. At least they can sing and thank goodness for singing time!

murdoch family said...

Hey everyone. We have sure had some awesome storms coming our way. I can't believe how great our sinuses feel. Not dried out. It has rained so much our yard has hundreds of mushrooms everywhere and so do all our neighbors. But we are grateful for the rain.
Hope you all are doing great. We miss the ones in Washington D.C. and the ones in Oregon and Suthern Utah, and Northern Utah and Brazil and I guess that is everyone.
Have a great week and watch for Spencer's awesome Post.