So the air show this weekend was pretty AWESOME! There was so much to see and do. We didn't do a very good job of taking pictures though and probably should have taken a lot more but you know how it is trying to get Eric to pay attention...instead he's thinking of putting together the P-51 mustang he just bought or daydreaming about flying the 8' long remote control F16's. Caleb doesn't get tired for nothing. That kid hauled his chair and bag all over that base and didn't care one bit that we walked 87 miles! (at least it felt like it) 

It took us a good 45 minutes after we entered the gates to get to a place where we could park and start the long walk to the flight line. Guess who called shotgun...rules are rules!
Here we are standing next to an Apache Helicopter. Some of the booths were handing out trinkets and what not. The boys were flying those propellers all day long. The wind was kind of blowing so they hit just about every person we walked next to.

After the show we stopped off at Rick and Mickenzies house to play with Lincoln and have some lunch. It was pretty fun, especially since Rick brought out the wrist rockets and paint balls! Too bad Mickenzie's rule of no shooting eachother was in effect. So he set up a piece of plywood and drew a statue of liberty on it. A dollar for any boy that nails the crouch was the deal!

Eric has a pretty good wrist rocket face after release!

I think braden won the competition since technically he hit the egg on top of the target. It was just a lucky shot though.
You should ask Kenz next time you see her to give you her best 'jack bauer wrist rocket' impersonation...Check out that form!
Even Chelsea got into the action...that was probably a bullseye.
And finally there's Eric...We told him not to eat the grass but he just couldn't help himself and had to give it a try, lying down, on his back. I wouldn't be surprised if his underoos were wedged where they shouldn't be! Good ol uncle rick...
Man, we wish we could have been there - just too far for right now.....give us 8 or 9 months and you might be sick of us. You guys are the best to go and pick up Eric and Caleb. THose are the things they will remember most about their childhood - that and the wedgies.
And look at all them sharp shooters! Chelsea's in for sure!!Looks like fun and Rick and Mickenzie's. You bet your bottom dollar we will be having Mickenzie do that impersonation at the next laughing game.
Great Pictures - when are we all getting together again? How about 4 or 5 hours after Becky her house, and will you feed us too? I like my sheets ironed before I sleep in them :)
Wheehaaa Good one ReNae,--- ironed sheets. Now you can bet I´ll want them when I come to your NEW home when the next Vladimir is born. (it better be a boy) (hhhmmmm- I wonder how much this will spark in questions.)
And Jared - cool photos, cool people, and so fun to see you all, even Mickenzie and Chelsea. Yep, she is so pretty - wish so much we could meet her. Dying for the next laughing game. Shoot, I could pose like the last time I shot that shotgun-in Coolidge.
Thanks for the great post - these are kind of our lifeline when the phone and internet are out. You´re so funny Jared and ReNae.
Wow,I wish my uncle would take me around like you did. The look on the faces of your nephews were priceless. Great pic with the three of you. And, that Apache with the rockets wouldn't that be a hoot to fire one at the ginger bread houses at xmas at the Larsen garage?
She, who is that cute thing in the back seat? And, I never thought you could like grass if you had a wedgie first!! What a novel idea. You uncles are having too much fun with molding the young men into future leaders. Jared, you need to teach Eric about the proper way to give a Korean wedgie. Right???
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