Thursday, February 24

New web address (URL) for the family blog..

Well...Now that Mac has gone to dog heaven (all dogs go to heaven!) i thought it best to change the blog address to something more fitting than "". Plus, what if mom and dad have another child? Just saying... 9kids just wouldn't be right anymore.... so RRBROOKSFAMILY it is!

Also, I discovered there is a very easy way to download the entire blog archive (we have 365 postings over 5 years now!), so if we ever decide to abandon the blog in favor of FB or some other media, we can each have our own complete copy for archive/genealogy purposes. Yea!


Kemble Family said...

Thanks, Scott! You are so up to date and amazing. Thanks for always doing stuff to help the family stay in touch.

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

What a nice change, and we're glad you are so techno savvy Scott. Love you kids. Did you print off all the 300+ entries, or what?

Unknown said...

No, becuase i don't want a paper copy (at least, not yet). But anyone who is an administrator can download the archive anytime. For some reason i only have Mom&Dad, Becky, and Me as administrators and everyone else as normal users of the site. maybe i'll change everyone else to be administrators too.

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

Good idea!