So I had to go to
Flying in was awesome because there were no clouds and I had a window seat, so i was able to see some of the glaciers in the mountains of
Here we are at the docks at Seward,
The Ominous pre-boarding's probably what jinxed our fishing that day... The two guys on either side of me are the contractors i came to "see/help". (L to R: Ron, Me, and Mike.)
Kevin, our guide and new friend who offered to take us out on his boat, also brought all the protective gear. It was only maybe 40 degrees out, but he warned us that once we got going, the cool air would zip right through our existing layers and that combined with sea spray would really make us "uncomfortable". He advised us to put on all layers possible, including the extra gear he brought, and that we'd take them off if we got too hot. (I'm thinking: He does this twice a week, he probably knows what he's talking about.) I graciously accepted the advice and put on everything... I am wearing a thermal top, two knit caps, and a fleece and ski jacket that i brought for the trip, plus gear provided by kevin: another fleece jocket, rain gear, two pairs of gloves, and rubber boots. Ron and Mike did the same.
15 miles out we reach our destination - on the ocean side of the 2nd to last island in ressurection bay. We fished here first, then headed back toward Seward, fishing in different spots along the way. The salmon run was pretty much over, so we didnt' catch any.
Not too bad for a self portrait...
On the way back we stopped near some glaciers... We saw lots of dall sheep on the sides of the mountains.
There were two TINY houses on this little island!
More of the blue stuff - very scenic and beautiful. I was dumbfounded at how beautiful the place was.
I call this "Big hooks...tiny fish". This is where you're supposed to hang your prize King salmon or halibut, not some dinky sea bass!!!
This is fog rolling in (left to right) very fast along Turnagain Arm (A part of
Here is the other side with the fog still rolling in. We saw a small pod (4 or 5?) of beluga whale just off to the left here.
Late evening on the previous day we drove around
Wow, Scott, what an adventure! Thanks for sharing! By the way, you look all rugged and real in your garb. Great pics! You know Jay is in!!!When he hears your call, he'll come in a heart beat. You'll have to ask him about those airplane tours. Yes, it is gorgeous there. We have lots of pics, too from his trips there. I'm so glad you got to go and spend even a little while seeing the beauty.
Right on Bro! Awesome pics. Ya should have at least photoshopped a 230 pound halibut and then fessed up later. Now I know what you would look like at a portly 275pounds except that there was no triple chin to go along with it. You should totally put in for a follow up visit on that project and bring along some 'consultants'.
Scott, always living the dream!! Good thing you got 4 boys. Awesome pics and great scenery and so glad you got to see it. I'm in. Dad
(if they have a handicap ramp)
Scott I can just hear your voice saying that whole first paragraph. "you haven't changed a bit".
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