Wednesday, February 17

Oh L'amour

Hello all--

Here's the low down of our Valentine's Day weekend, for your viewing pleasure. I'll skip all the dramatics for ReNae's sake because she'd rather I just get to the nitty gritty than wade through details. (She gets lost without pictures, too.)

And ReNae, speaking of pictures, you should put that picture up of the Payson temple...

So no story for you about me planning special valentines for Kara to make for her class only to find her painstakingly cutting out hearts from plain paper and sweet nothings markered on them with a piece of candy taped to the middle.

(Seriously, her handmade -thrown together -crooked card was still cuter than all the Dora the Explorer valentines she got from her classmates. )

Enough about that, time for a picture already.

Nathan playing "Two little blackbirds sitting on a fence." Wanna guess what I used the raspberries for? You'll have to wait and see. And if you see his grubby corners because you enlarged the picture then that's just what you get when you are nosy.

IMHO (in my humble opinion, for the non-texters) this is the whole reason to have a 6-year-old (willing) girl. No matter how many times I begged Eric and Caleb to let their hair grow longer so I could do this, they would never relent.

I should probably photoshop Eric's face here anyway... heh heh.

So I used the raspberries to make raspberry cheesecake, Caleb's favorite. And don't you be worried, Bruce got plenty of his favorite things.

and it turned out

S O G O O D.


And I have to insert another funny story here. Caleb came home from school irritated because they had to make a Valentine's box for their party. But his countenance suddenly changed as he came up with an idea. An awful, grinchy idea. He gathered his supplies and dashed out to the garage and spray painted up his cardboard creation so carefully hot glued together:

He even put a sign on it (which was my only contribution to the project) which said, "TANKS FOR THE VALENTINE".

See the top hole? That's where the kids had to put the Valentine. He said the kids told him that next year he should make the tank shoot candy or M&Ms out the gun. But that could be considered a weapon, so I can't do that, he reasoned.

Oh, and Eric had to dance (touching) for the first time with a (girl) much to his horror. He said he even tried to waltz without touching her at first until the teacher made them. I cringe just thinking about the poor girl who had to endure that, bless her soul.

He refused to tell me her name, but do you know what? I guessed it on the FIRST TRY and got it right. Yes, Eric was amazed that I guessed it, too. He knows now that he'll never be able to keep anything from me. ...

So those of you with school-aged kids, any thing funny/cute/horrible happen? What about the teenagers- was there a fun dance or party?


ReNae said...

Awesome Becky!!! Simply Awesome!!! Mom? Hows come she never ceases to amaze me? Tanks for the pictures too! Caleb, you are the man! I loved your box. It's the coolest thing ever. I think you ought to replace your mothers froo frah christmas stocking and use this instead. I'll bet santa will find MUCH cooler things to leave for you inside of this..... like.... well, never mind. I'd better not mention what santa COULD leave!

Kara, you are OH so beautiful. Kudos to you for letting your mamma do it! Kara, maybe you can come teach me how to do my hair like yours!

Eric, were her hands smooth? Did she wear some nice "primo" for you? (your moms favorite perfume....ask her) Did you look her straight in the eyes when you waltzed? You are so cool!!

So, when we gettin together anyway?


Bruce and Becky said...

We both didn't want to touch each other, so don't start writing love music for the dance that my teachers make us do.
And we also have to memorize about 10 dances and start dancing to the music whenever the music starts.
Boy, what I go through to please my teachers.:-(
By Mr. Hi(is Eric)
No comments about me dancing either.

Unknown said...

Love, Love, LOVE the tank. and braided hair. and mental image of Eric dancing...with a GIRL. and raspberry fingertips. Miss you all!

Kemble Family said...

Now I wanna see a picture of ISAAC! Usually people photograph their babies, but we rarely see him. What's up with that? But I did enjoy all the other pictures, too. So fun! That tank was really cool, Caleb.

Alisha said...

Where did you get the idea for those braids??! I love it!!
You've made me want to make cheesecakes again.
For years I made an almond cheesecake with chocolate ganache topping for Justin's birthday and other occasions till one day I reached my limit and it was no longer delicious to me. But now, seeing your raspberry, it's fresh again. Yeah! A new dessert to like!