Bruce turned (oh, Crud!) this last week. Does it look like I put carrots on his cake? Because they aren't, really. They're pumpkins. (But they're SO cute, I call them "punkins".)

(See I bet you just thought "cute lil punkins", didn't cha?)
Okay. On to Oct. 31st- I snapped a few pictures. I'm sure you remember what Bruce looked like before his Bi-Pass, but I'll remind you anyway...

Sometimes I wonder if Ruth still thinks I'm "so sweet to love someone like that".

Dorothy, Private Caleb, and can you guess what Eric is? (Hint: He's not an environmentally-friendly soldier. )

He's a plastic army guy

I tried and tried to get Caleb to be the scarecrow so he could match Dorothy.... (it's so fun to tease Caleb like that! He makes this face like he's going to die, moans, rolls his head back. )

Popeye the Sailor Man (toot! toot!) His arms really looked better when I first finished them, but he insisted on wearing them around the house for two days before Halloween. And at this point with 5 kids, I don't have to 'splain anything.

Isaac the Sock Monkey
This one is for you, Jana, because I know this makes you want to come and help me out. This kid requires constant holding and rocking and... (how do I say "work" in a pleasant way?)
Bruce, you are disgusting! Hey, everything in your costume is spot on, except for that I don't know a single overweight, white-trash, transient look-alike, slob that wears Sorels. They wear some western family brand from wal-mart or payless shoes. However, you did a bang-up job. That made me laugh hard.
And the rest of the kids look awesome. Becky, I'm telling Obama on you......don't you care about mother earth at all????
-Rick J
Man, that was so funny. I could not stop laughing overy Bruce's costume. At first I thought "Man, why is Becky taking pictures of this dad trick or treating with his kids and why is she snapping photos of locals?" I am still laughing. Bruce should have had a Texas size doughnut in his hand taking a bite of it! And who did the tatoo on his arm? That was a great costume. You are so brave Bruce. The children's cosutmes were great too. So cute. What a good mom to go to all that work!
P.S. Did Bruce go with out a shower for a few days first? Funny costume.
Hey! Everyone, that's Dr. Bruce Larsen, our Dentist.
Dang Baxter, I don't know which is funnier, the doc in the sock or your comments. Right on! And Becky,you deserve all yer gittin
Stop it! We´re trying to be good missionaries and not laugh in the office. I cannot believe Bruce is real. and Kara looks so real and so do the boys. You all are totally awesome. But Bruce??? That reminds me of the comment Dad always makes when he sees someone creepy on the street--"There goes a retired (in this case) DOCTOR"
Totally hilarious Bruce!!!!! I can't stop staring at it! You are so sick looking!
Way to go Becky!
Ha Ha I love it too!!! Bruce you really do look so real! And Isaac is so so so so so cute and CHUBBY!!!!!! Hopefully My babies will for sure be just as chubby if not more!!! Keep on the whole milk!!!
Eric and caleb you look awesome too!
Yep, you are right! Bring that sweet baby over here!! Darling kids, by the way!
I think Becky should get the super-mom/wife award. Awesome costumes! Bruce is hilarious and I am sure could conger up some good stories to go with the "new look".
Anytime you need some extra arms for holding your little Sock Monkey, let us know we'll be right over! :) So Cute!
I love the costumes! Those "tats" are hilarious! Your kiddies look great!
You'll probably not come back and read these comments, but I went back to this post just to look at Bruce again. Died laughing. Blow that photo up and it's just too funny. Mom
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