Thursday, September 10


Some of you may remember watching the muppet show when we were kids...

(OK, i spend too much time on Youtube)

These Muppets vids are hilarious! Our boys LOVE watching them. I think Animal is my favorite, but the Swedish chef is pretty good too. There are a lot of videos of the swedish chef on Youtube...


Kemble Family said...

Thanks, Kathy! I showed them to Eli and he laughed ridiculously and tried to copy their singing. Personally, I like those two announcer guys. It brought back some memories of younger years. : )

Unknown said...

You mean Scott, not Kathy...

Grandpa and Grandma Brooks said...

Yah Jana, Kathy didn´t watch things like that. She was into Pride and Prejudice even then.

Rick and Mick said...

Lincoln loved the "oh boy" part, he kept saying it over and over after we watched the video! Thanks, very funny!