Long time no see! I thought I'd update you with a few pictures of the goings on. Mostly this is from our 24th of July- part of it- but the snippets of our lives make up the whole of our life. (I totally just made that up.)
So I found some chaps similar to dad's old ones at "the DI". Caleb saw them and wanted to do some authentic shots of pioneer life. Pioneers, cowboys, it's all the same, right?
(this is the 1860's house behind ours. Newlyweds live here now.) Oh, you're supposed to think that this is REALLY the house he lives in and he has farmed the land. Again, Pioneers, cowboys, it's all the same.
Couldn't resist. But man, it took forever to get them NOT to smile. I had to promise them it'd be funny, just like "American Gothic", but they haven't taken art class (no pun intended, Janalee)and therefore don't know about such famous portraits.
See? I had to delete a million of these.
But what about the BABY? We Gotta see the BAY-BEE!
...And loved by all.
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE GOTHIC PHOTOS. So cute. They all are, and you made the dress and apron? Wow, what a latter-day wonder-mom. (chip off the older block- but much better) So cute to see the chaps and vest from DI - yes, it is like Dad´s. But, I also totally love the baby on his side photo - very pro if I might say. Mother
I vote for Laura, cause don't know who Fecility is. Also, that foto with the pitchfork (old style and no smile) is priceless. Course, had to print out a picture of little Ralphie and paste it in my Preach My Gospel as a memory of my posterity (which is becoming as numerous as the sands.........How blessed we are! Hey Jared and Chelsea, how about "RJ" or I'd even settle for "JR".
Love, Dad
so many things here..
'what about the baybee?' isn't that one of our old jokes? it sounds familiar.
And I bet those newlyweds don't even APPRECIATE living in an 1860's house! I bet they complain about it and want to modernize it. grrr....
and "the DI". haha. it's prolly some family joke, but I still get it, my own way.
did you embroider her little apron? what's the story there.
Bay-bee is one of the funnier Seinfeld episodes where the gang goes to a beach house owned by an annoying lady who insists they come and see the BAYYYY-Beee. Scott& Kathy, Karina & Alex, Rick & Mick probably have seen that one, verdad?
And the house is quite modernized, actually. I'd love to buy it and turn it into a B&B. Ooo- it could be B&B's B&B.
All of Utah says "the DI". Why?
Such baaad English.
Ebay produced the apron for 5 bucks. Really hand sewn with BEAUTIFUL stitches. Such a shame that art is gone by the wayside somewhat. I really like embroidery but I really stink at it.
That's the ugly baby episode where Cramer sees it and freaks out - no one can stand to look at it. Very funny. Love the pics Becky. Way cute kids!
Awesome stuff there!!!! Love the pioneer girl! she obviously is 'well taken care of.' uh- it's only the funniest episode on tv. Why don't they ever show it? It's also the one where kramer is shoving the lobster into George's face yelling "LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOKIE what I have>" Gotta love it.
Ralphie - you are so sweet!!!!! can't wait to hold you.
Becky, what awesome pictures. Sad to say I grew up in Utah and I say "the DI" never thought twice about it until this post. (I probably shouldn't admit that.)
The picture of Issac is absolutely precious! Love it!
I love the pioneer dress, and really, won't you be sad when she grows out of the dress up stage. Wait do girls ever grow out of it, maybe it just evolves! :)
Great photos! Love the "American Gothic" and the snickering American Gothic. Too funny!
And Isaac is super cute! Can't wait to see him soon.
I love how Caleb's "pioneer" is also very colorful. And, yes, my family also jokes and calls DI "the DI". I've also heard "the BYU". Funny.
uh Mickenzie - you probably should have refrained from admitting that one!!!!!! Might not let you live that one down!!
Sweet little pictures. Kara should be on the front issue of the children's friend next summer for the pioneer day one. I also loved the farmer and his wife one--it just is missing one thing--a little puppy sitting by their feet. C'mon Becky- let em have a canine.
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